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  • Zhengdong Yang, Shuichiro Shimizu, Chenhui Chu, Sheng Li, and Sadao Kurohashi. End-to-end Japanese-English Speech-to-text Translation with Spoken-to-Written Style Conversion. In 自然言語処理 (Journal of Natural Language Processing), Vol.31, No.3, 2024.

  • Shuichiro Shimizu, Chenhui Chu, Sheng Li, and Sadao Kurohashi. Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning for End-to-End Speech Translation. In 自然言語処理 (Journal of Natural Language Processing), Vol.29, No.2, 2022.

International Conference

  • Hao Wang, Shuhei Kurita, Shuichiro Shimizu, and Daisuke Kawahara. SlideAVSR: A Dataset of Paper Explanation Videos for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition. In 3rd Workshop on Advances in Language and Vision Research (ALVR), 2024.

  • Sirou Chen, Sakiko Yahata, Shuichiro Shimizu, Zhengdong Yang, Yihang Li, Chenhui Chu, and Sadao Kurohashi. MELD-ST: An Emotion-aware Speech Translation Dataset. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2024, 2024.

  • Yihang Li, Shuichiro Shimizu, Chenhui Chu, Sadao Kurohashi, and Wei Li. Video-Helpful Multimodal Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2023), 2023.

  • Zhengdong Yang, Shuichiro Shimizu, Zhou Wangjin, Sheng Li, and Chenhui Chu. Kyoto Speech-to-Speech Translation System for IWSLT 2023. In Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2023), 2023.

  • Shuichiro Shimizu, Chenhui Chu, Sheng Li, and Sadao Kurohashi. Towards Speech Dialogue Translation Mediating Speakers of Different Languages. In Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023, 2023.

  • Iglika Nikolova-Stoupak, Shuichiro Shimizu, Chenhui Chu, and Sadao Kurohashi. Filtering of Noisy Web-Crawled Parallel Corpus: the Japanese-Bulgarian Language Pair. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria 2022 (CLIB 2022), 2022.

  • Yihang Li, Shuichiro Shimizu, Weiqi Gu, Chenhui Chu, and Sadao Kurohashi. VISA: An Ambiguous Subtitles Dataset for Visual Scene-Aware Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022), 2022.

Domestic Conference (non peer-reviewed)

  • Shuichiro Shimizu, Yin Jou Huang, Yugo Murawaki, and Chenhui Chu. 対話の齟齬と介入による解消:LLMを用いた検討 (Discrepancies in Dialogue and Resolution through Intervention: An Examination using LLM). In 言語処理学会 第30回年次大会 発表論文集 (Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Association for Natural Language Processing), 2024.

  • Hao Wang, Shuhei Kurita, Shuichiro Shimizu, and Daisuke Kawahara. SlideAVSR: 視聴覚音声認識のための論文解説動画データセット (SlideAVSR: A Dataset of Paper Explanation Videos for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition). In 言語処理学会 第30回年次大会 発表論文集 (Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Association for Natural Language Processing), 2024.

  • Shuichiro Shimizu, Chenhui Chu, Sheng Li, and Sadao Kurohashi. 異言語話者の対話を仲介する音声対話翻訳 (Speech Dialogue Translation Mediating Speakers of Different Languages). In 言語処理学会 第29回年次大会 発表論文集 (Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Association for Natural Language Processing), 2023.

  • Iglika Nikolova-Stoupak, Shuichiro Shimizu, Chenhui Chu, and Sadao Kurohashi. Filtering of a Web-Crawled Corpus to Achieve a Strong MT Model: a Case Study on the Japanese-Bulgarian Language Pair. In 言語処理学会 第29回年次大会 発表論文集 (Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the Association for Natural Language Processing), 2023.

  • Yihang Li, Shuichiro Shimizu, Chenhui Chu, and Sadao Kurohashi. 曖昧性を含む翻訳に着目したマルチモーダル機械翻訳データセットの構築方法の検討 (Towards the Construction of Multimodal Machine Translation Dataset Focusing on Ambiguity of Translations). In 言語処理学会 第28回年次大会 発表論文集 (Proceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Association for Natural Language Processing), 2022.

  • Shuichiro Shimizu, Chenhui Chu, Sheng Li, and Sadao Kurohashi. End-to-End Speech Translation with Cross-lingual Transfer Learning. In 言語処理学会 第27回年次大会 発表論文集 (Proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Association for Natural Language Processing), 2021.


  • (Contribution to work) Ryoichi Shinkuma, Satoshi Nishida, Masataka Kado, Naoya Maeda, and Shinji Nishimoto. Relational network of people constructed on the basis of similarity of brain activities. In IEEE Access, 2019.