Shuichiro SHIMIZU / 清水 周一郎
I am a Ph.D. student at Language Media lab, Kyoto University, Japan.
Research Topics
- Speech translation
- Dialogue system
- Multimodal machine translation
- Multimodal speech recognition
Finished visiting WAV lab, Carnegie Mellon University, USA (Pittsburgh, PA, USA, Apr. - Dec. 2024).
A paper was accepted to ACL 2024 Findings (Bangkok, Thailand, Aug. 2024).
Presented two papers at NLP 2024 (Kobe, Japan, Mar. 2024).
One co-authored paper was accepted to EMNLP 2023: Video-Helpful Multimodal Machine Translation (Dec. 2023)
Provided technical support in developing a conversational robot for Kyoto University IST open seminar 2023 (YouTube link). (Aug. 2023)